In-Person Trainings
Request a Training
For your community or organization
TBRI® is an evidence-based and holistic approach that meets the unique needs of children from hard places. All trainings are led by TBRI Practitioners. Reach out to see how you can bring this important training to your community or organization.
Making Sense of Your Worth
This powerful program helps caregivers work on their own “stuff” so they can be at a better place to help their children. It’s offered in small groups and led by a TBRI Practitioner and MSOYW Facilitator.
This class is offered by demand. We will notify you when we have enough interest to conduct a class.
Circle of Security Parenting
Based on years of attachment research, this evidence-based program empowers caregivers to understand their child’s emotional world by learning to read emotional needs.
Caregivers learn to support their child’s ability to successfully manage emotions and to enhance the development of their child's self-esteem and self-worth.
This interactive and reflective program is led in groups of 6-12.